
case :::

My dad's document which is supposed to be brought to the office is left at home and the job that my dad did was not really good this as I've found it out accidentally when dad was talking to mom.

I am afraid that dad would lose his job as he had did lots of mistakes and the document has to be important as it causes a lot of damage to the office and I don't know what troubles him until he did his job badly this time and he didn't want to tell anything when I asked him. Worsely, he was gone the next day and my mom said that he went away and mom also didn't know what's the problem. What can I do then, doc?----Jenny


Hello, X. Nice hearing from you--thank you for writing. I understand how you feel, really--and although I think you are being a little too paranoid, I guess I'll feel the same way if this happen to me.

Right, back to the case--first, just relax. No problem can be solved if you keep on worrying. Next, try to think it over. Is the 'communication' thing between you and your dad okay? If not, don't expect him to share anything to you. But if so, maybe you should be concerned. Anyhows, you must try to understand that you can't just expect your dad to share everything to you, really. Your dad loves you and he doesn't want you to be worried.

Have you tried calling or texting him? Maybe you should, if he had not come home until the moment you receive this piece of advice. Try to keep it polite and relaxed, honey. Meanwhile, you should also comfort your mom. she must feel really worried too.

It will really be helpful if you save some money to help your dad. Try to work part-time (not that i'm forcing you, hehe) or set a fixed target of money that you should save per month to help your family. Just be optimistic that your dad will not lose his job, and, of course, not to be a holy or some kind of religious prophet thingy, keep praying. Everything happens for a reason--a good one--and I bet this problem will actually heal the conditions currently happening in your family.

Once again thank you for writing, and I hope my advise helps. Just because I have a 'Doctor' behind my name, I really hope people will not see me as someone who can solve all problems in such a wonderful way coz I so can't.

Keep the peace and take care,

Doctor Freak


once upon a time... O . O

hemm.. intro of blog.. check. review.. check. story or poem.. check. what's missing now? rightt.. personal recount. huhuhu. okay maybe not compulsory, but i guess i'll just do it... *sigh*

here we go.

everybody reads my profile? hehe, you may see a word there--granny phobia. hehe, besides cat phobia--afraid of cats, i also have granny phobia--afraid of old grandmas. wkakak. here is the story behind my phobia. and to be honest, this is a true story, not like the one in the open door entry, which is totally faked up. hehehe.

when i was like 4 years old and had not went to the mental hospital *hehe*, i loved to play computer games. hehe, don't you know that i've been a pro. computer geek since i was young? *slapped* hehe, but the games i played were not cool games like most boys enjoyed nowadays like dota, CS or whatever, the games were just childish kid games. name of game? ahh, don't force me to tell the name. i'm too ashamed, haha.

i only remember one thing , the game i was playing at that time was about cows--a stupid-looking white cow that had to accomplish a task in that game--a task which involved roller coasters, bridges and other weird, stupid stuffs like that.

one of the enemies of this cow was a witch. i remembered exactly--an old grandma with long white hair and black hood, like a grunt reaper, carrying a wooden rod with a really freakishly big nose. i wanna pee on myself when i typed the previous sentence, hehe--but believe me, when i was a kid, i was soooo afraid of this grandma. i even cried when i saw her. especially her laughing sound--deadly, I swear T_T

i often had nightmares and insomniatic nights because of this cursed game--actually the witch's face--hehe. i was warned many times not to play that game anymore, but--ooooh, the cow was so cute and the game was really fun, said my little voice at that time. i kept on playing this game, tho.

one fine afternoon, i was playing the game, as usual, when my mom was drying the clothes she just washed. as usual, the stupid cow faced the witch again. swear--it was really scary, even if it was in the afternoon--for a tiny-weenie girl like me.

i believe the thing that happened after that was just my childish illusion, but suddenly with my eyes i can really swear i saw this witch stepping out of my computer screen, reaching me who was sitting very close to it, giving a pureee evil smile.



blood sweat. starting to be hyperbolic? sorry!

i quicky stepped out of my chair and ran to my mother. The Freak growled tearfully like a lost tiger (??).

after a while, i came back to my computer screen. there was nothing there, just the stupid cow riding on a roller coaster or a car, i forgot. something red, i really remembered.

how freakish is that? T_T


i believe most of you--or maybe all--think it's untrue, or just another bowl of bullshit. sorry to say you're wrong.. starting from that day i'm really terrified of grandmas--with certain criterias, actually, and the most important one is having long hair. arrrgggh, i'm really afraid of grandmas with long hair--especially if it's white (of course duh) huhuhu

done done done.. now leave this page! *thrown pebbles*

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